What Size Fly Rod For Streamer Fishing [Must Know]

The size of a fishing rod can make a lot of difference in your chance to catch a fish. The range of rod size is extensive. There are a lot of ways to go about choosing the right rod. When it comes to streamer fishing, it is even more crucial that you select the right rod. In this article, we’re going to discuss what size fly rod for streamer fishing is recommended. But first, let us understand the core concept of Streamer Fishing.


Some of The Best Fly Fishing Rods For You

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What Is Streamer Fishing?

What Size Fly Rod For Streamer FishingStreamers are flies that are big in size. These flies act as a bait and you fish on an active retrieve. Streamers are like the lures of fly fishing. So, In laymen’s term, streamer fishing is the fishing technique using these flies or streamers. Although, that is only a surface definition. There are other things to consider here. The art of streamer fishing is an art that needs practice.


Some Tips To Know About Streamer Fishing

Q. How are streamers different than lures?

Streamers are typically larger than lures. They seem like a small fish rather than insects like nymph flies. Flowing fibers are used in streamers that makes the artificial fish bait seem real. Streamers are generally tied to large hooks and they weigh considerably more than other flies. They can be more difficult to caste.

Q. When is Streamer fishing most effective?

Streamer fishing’s effectiveness is seen when you want to catch predatory fishes that are very large. For instance, A large trout. Even if the trout is filled, it will hardly want to leave a small fish and that is when your streamer comes into play. It acts as a great bait to catch a big trout.

Q. What types of fly lines can be used for streamer fishing?

You can use all three types of fly lines; floating, sink-tips as well as a full sinking. Most people tend to go with a floating line for a reasonably sized river and a sink-tip for larger waters.

Q. How can you fish with a streamer?

The important thing to consider while fishing with a streamer is that you have to get them close to structures like big boulders and undercuts in the bank of a river.

Streamer fishing


Do You Need A Particular Fly Rod For Streamer Fishing?

Streamer fishing can be a tricky task. It requires skills, unrivaled patience and not to mention perseverance. Hence, equipment is necessary. A particular type of rod called a Streamer Rod can be used for streamer fishing. Although, the term “streamer rod” is actually pretty vague. Mainly, it is a fly rod is used for streamer fishing.

The reason why a fly rod is used for streamer fishing is given below:

Fly Line 

Streamer rods usually have a floating fly line. They can also have a sinking or sinking tip line. Fly line would vary depending on the fly you use. There are small dry flies which can be used to fish in small streams with a 3 weight line. Most fishermen tend to go with an 8 weight line. Because of this variety of fly line, many kinds of fishes can be caught, which makes fly rod almost perfect for streamer fishing.


Fly line backing is generally used to describe the fly fishing that implies a thin but very strong section of the line. This line is placed on the arbor of a fly reel and to the back end of the fly line. It ensures that the fly angler’s limited tackle is somewhat overpowered. This makes a fly rod pretty good for streamer fishing if your target is a big fish.


For a majority of fishermen, an angler is not really an important thing. Its only purpose is to save your line. While it is true that reels don’t make a difference for smaller fish but when it comes to large fishes, you need a stronger drag. Fortunately, Fly rods are known to have a wide variety of selections when it comes to reels. You can go to any online shop or your local store and you’ll definitely see some range. Because of this variety of reels, fly rods are great for streamer fishing.

In addition to these, fly rods are also known to have the waders, tippets, and leaders that complements streamer fishing pretty good. Hence, a fly rod is particularly used for streamer fishing.


What Size Fly Rod For Streamer Fishing & Why?

Most of the fishermen like to use an 8 weight fly rod for streamer fishing. Lately, the fly rods have seen advancements because of which anglers can use streamers in a more effective way, even with rods that are as light as 6 or 5 weights. This although depends on a person’s preference. Some people really prefer the feel of a heavier rod as they want to catch a bigger fish while some prefer relatively sized or in some cases, smaller rods. The thing is, most people prefer to go with a heavy rod because most of the rods these days are very strong and lightweight so even an 8 weight fly rod is comparatively easier to use. When the question is about the size of a fly rod for streamer fishing, the answer can be a little bit ambiguous as it depends on personal preferences mostly.


Streamer fishing rods


Guide To Choose The Suitable Fly Rod Based On Your Flies

There are many things that must be taken into consideration when you want to buy a fly rod. There are a lot of technicalities that must be understood. So, here we’ve compiled all the necessary information that you’d probably want to look into.

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A majority of fly rods have a wide range of length. Technically, these are termed as “weights.” The length of the rod is also its line length that is, a 5 weight rod works best with a 5 weight line and an 8 weight rod is suited for an 8 weight line. The line weight matches the load capability of the rod. The difference in line weight, however, increases as the size goes up. Meaning, a 2 and a 3 weight line difference is lesser than the difference of 11 and a 12 weight. Heavier rods generally can be cast well. There is though one other thing that you must be aware of and that is termed as “actions.”


The action of a fly rod implies it’s stiffness, it’s flexibility and it’s recovery. Recovery means how quick the rod stops moving at the end. Some rods are stiff near the grip but have flexible tips while others have flex in the middle part but are stiff in other areas. While buying a fly rod, you must keep the action in mind. Although the action generally depends on preference, you can at least predict what your preference would be and then make an informed decision.

Build Quality

As with every product, build quality is everything. A rod which is well built will always be able to load with a specified line. A fly rod with a stream attached should have equal performances in both 30 as well as 60 feet. Meaning, it should be all-purpose. A rod that casts only far away is stiffer while the contrast is quite soft. A balance must be maintained. A rod with a better balance is the one that we recommend.


The penultimate question, can you afford the one you like? That my friend is a question that you must ask yourself. Spending a lot of money on a fishing rod is not something that you’d want to do unless you’re a really rich person. So, based on the line, action and build quality of a fly rod, you should make your decision.


Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, Streamer fishing is a great sport. It’s a way of fishing where you trick the fish by using artificial bait. The perfect type of rod for this type of fishing is the fly rod. The most agreed upon size is the 8 weight sized rod and the thing that you must take into consideration while buying a fly rod is the Length, Action and Build quality. Not to mention, your budget! But that is so obvious, eh?

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