Must Buy Best Fly Fishing Combo Under 300!

Best Fly Fishing Combo Under 300

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best fly fishing combo under 300If you are new to fly fishing, buying things separately such as, rods, reels, backing, leader, etc. can be a great hassle which is why we have come up with a list of 7 best fly fishing combo under 300.

There are hundreds of good fly fishing combos on the market but most of them are expensive and out of reach. On the other hand, choosing cheap fly rods and reel combos is also not an option. That being said, we have picked up some combos with which you can get started and have a memorable fishing experience under $300 only.


About The Bests

All of these combos listed above deliver a perfect blend of quality and performance at a low investment. Moreover, if you already have a favorite rod, these combos will offer you the chance to pick a backup rod or something that you don’t have to balance the combo.

Plus, we have also set a comparison between these combos, if you don’t have time to go through the whole article, you can have a quick look and pick one.

Excited? Let’s dive into the good stuff.


Wild Water Deluxe Fly Fishing Package- Most Affordable

Wild Water 5/6 9’ Fly Fishing Rodir?t=maverick81108 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B005ETGEFW

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Starting with the Wild water deluxe fly fishing starter package, this one is a very famous and trending combo. Why? Because even at a cheap price, it offers a nice blend of durability and performance. This is the best fly fishing starter kit you will get at such a price.

Salient Features

  • Wild water package 01First, let me tell you exactly what you are getting in this combo, Fly rod, Arbor reel, loaded backing, leader, rod case, fly box, rod sock, preinstalled line, two spare leaders, monofilament tippet spool and knot tying tool.
  • This combo package offers the best fly rod combo for the money. Graphite rods are the most popular and expensive rod and surprisingly this combo offers graphite rod at such a low price.
  • The rod is 9ft long which will enable you to hunt down bigger fishes and it is a slow action rod so any newbie can use it too.
  • Another awesome thing about this combo is, the manufacturer offers a lifetime rod warranty. And for comfort, they have installed high-quality cork made a grip.
  • This combo has a waterproof floating fly box where you can simply store more than 360 flies.
  • The diecast aluminum large arbor reel comes pre-loaded with blaze orange 20 pounds backing. Also, it has an aluminum spool, reel foot, and frame. For better tension adjustment, it features disk drag.

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Features We Loved

  • Wild water package 02This fly fishing combo is affordable.
  • High-quality graphite rod.
  • Large arbor reel.
  • Comes with all needed accessories.
  • Waterproof floating fly box.

We Didn't Like

  • We didn’t like the grip. The material used in the grip is not so comfortable, the manufacturer could have used rubber or foam.

If you are looking for a cheap fly fishing combo that offers high-quality items, then the Wild water deluxe fly fishing starter package will fit nicely. It literally has a lot to offer to its owner.

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K&E Outfitters Fly Fishing Rod and Reel Package- Fast Action Rod

K&E Outfitters Rod and Reel Complete Package

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If you enjoy intensive, ir?t=maverick81108 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00XRPFRFShigh-paced and fast-action fly fishing then you might want to take a look at this K&E Outfitter Drift combo. It has everything you need for fly fishing inside the package. All you need to do is just assemble them and you are all set to go. One important thing, if you are new to the fly fishing arena, you better stay off this combo package.

Let’s take a look at what else this package offers.

Salient Features

  • K&E Outfitters Drift Series 5wt Fly Fishing Rod 01The rod is made of SK carbon and it’s 9ft long. As it is a fast action fly rod, it will bend halfway line onwards and will be in the position faster than average rods.
  • It comes with a large aluminum arbor reel which offers smooth fast action and a disk drag for fine tension.
  • The line that comes with this package has the highest quality. It is honey colored so that you would be able to see in clean waters.
  • Another best thing about the line is, it has a gentle weight which allows you to aim perfectly and target a specific location.
  • There is a transparent double-sided waterproof box where you can store the flies comfortably. And the box is also very portable, it will fit in any fishing vest or pocket.

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Features We Loved

  • K&E Outfitters Drift Series 5wt Fly Fishing Rod 02Long and flexible rod.
  • Large arbor reels.
  • Pre-loaded backings.
  • Waterproof box.
  • High-quality line.

We Didn't Like

  • We didn’t find the rod very durable. We have seen some users complaining that the rod didn’t last for more than 2 months with regular use.

The K&E Outfitter Drift Series combo is for experienced people. Newbies may find the rod and reel tough to handle. Except for the durability of the rod, it has almost everything that an ideal fly fishing combo package should have.

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Temple Fork NXT Fly Fishing Combo- Most Flexible

Temple Fork 02

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If you are looking for a fly fishing combo with outstanding design, you may want to take a look at the Temple Fork NXT Fly Fishing Outfit. It has a great appearance which catches most people’s attention. The combination of this combo is like, beauty and beast. The rod that you will get with this combo will enable you to catch large fishes along with the small ones.

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Salient Features

  • Temple Fork 01The rod is made of IM6 graphite material. This material is very expensive and popular because of its performance.
  • It is a fast-action rod which will bend halfway onwards and will reverse back to the normal position quickly. The rod is 9ft long and best suited to experienced fishers.
  • You will find the rod dissembled in four pieces. Assembling it is very easy. You’ll be able to do it all by yourself within no time.
  • The reel of this fly fishing combo is highly durable and lightweight. It is made of cast aluminum and the backings are pre-loaded.
  • It has a spool that works smoothly and promises effortless casting. It also helps you to aim better.
  • A custom carry bag also comes with this combo. The bag makes it easier for you to carry all the gears comfortably and securely.

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Features We Loved

  • Temple Fork 03Outstanding Design.
  • Durable rod and reel.
  • Smooth spool.
  • Easy to assemble.
  • Carry Bag included

We Didn't Like

  • We have seen many fly fishing combos include a waterproof fly box. However, this Temple Fork NXT Fly Fishing Outfit doesn’t offer one.

The Temple Fork NXT Fly Fishing Outfit takes half of the people’s attention with its design. And the performance? You’ll get to know how reliable this combo is once you get your hands on it. If you can separately purchase a fly box, you are all good to get fishing with this.

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Other Best Fly Fishing Combo Under $300

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Redington Topo 4 Piece Combo- Strong Graphite Body

Reddington Topo 01

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Here comes another awesome entry-level fly fishing combo, the Redington Topo 4 Piece. The manufacturer offered both affordability and quality in this combo. As the name suggests, the rod comes dissembled in four pieces and you’ll have to assemble that. Assembling is very easy, no hassle required. Let’s have a look at its features.

Salient Features

  • This fly fishing combo offers high-quality rod with which you’ll be able to hunt down any kind of fishes.
  • The rod is made of graphite, an expensive and famous material. Like the previous one, this in a fast-action rod and also bends halfway and gets back at the same position quickly.
  • It also offers a plastic made large arbor reel pre-spooled with Rio 5wt fly line. The backing color is orange which enables you to see it when casting in the water.
  • This combo also offers 6 different flies including mayflies, caddis and terrestrial. These flies are great for beginners.
  • The Redington Topo 4 Piece Combo package also provides a durable case which features sleeve in order to separate different parts during transportation.

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Features We Loved

  • Affordable price range
  • Durable and performs well
  • Nice carry case
  • Easy to assemble the rod
  • Graphite made rod

We Didn't Like

  • One thing we didn’t like about this whole package is, the plastic made a reel. It would not last long which might cause you to buy an extra reel separately.

If you are okay with the plastic reel thing, then Redington Topo 4 Piece Combo will be a great catch for you. You can purchase a durable reel separately so that you would be able to change the reel right away when old one doesn’t work.

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Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod Combo-Most Durable

Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod Combo

Buy Nowir?t=maverick81108 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00KFNLQ6O

The Orvis is a popular nir?t=maverick81108 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00KFNLQ6Oame not only in the fishing arena but also in the sports arena too. They are serving the fly fishing market with valuable products for a long time and their Clearwater Fly Rod Outfit is no different.

Let’s see what this fly fishing combo offers:

Salient Features

  • As the name suggests, the Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod Outfit offers clear water fly rod which has a length of 8’6’’.
  • The rod is made of graphite, so it is highly durable and can be used to catch any kinds of fish. Moreover, this rod is highly-responsive, fast-action, smooth and easy to cast.
  • The manufacturer has installed a heavily constructed cork handle for a secure grip.
  • With this fly fishing combo, you’ll get a durable large arbor reel which is already pre-spooled with strong backings.

Clearwater Reel

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Features We Loved

  • Durable and long-lasting rod.
  • Flexible and responsive.
  • Easy to cast.
  • Hard-wearing reel.
  • Heavily constructed cork handle.

We Didn't Like

  • This fly fishing combo is comparatively expensive than other combos on the market that offers almost similar features.

If budget is not a problem for you, then this Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod Outfit will be a great choice for you.

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Piscifun Fly Fishing Rod Reel Combo-Most Beginner Friendly

Piscifun New Fly Fishing Rod Reel Combo

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ir?t=maverick81108 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00M95ICG8Piscifun New Fly Fishing Rod Reel is another beginner-friendly fly fishing combo which has everything that an ideal fly fishing combo package should have. This combo includes rod and reel that are suitable for beginners. The rod is highly responsive and the reel is very durable.

Here are some more features:

Salient Features

  • The rod is 9ft long and comes dissembled in four pieces. Anyone can assemble it very easily within no time.
  • This combo offers a mid-arbor reel which comes already pre-spooled with backings.
  • The Piscifun New Fly Fishing Rod Reel Combo also comes with a leader, zinger retraction, stainless steel line cutter, 3 dozens of different flies and a fly box.
  • As we have said before, this rod is suitable for beginners. It is a slow action rod which is easier to balance for newbies.
  • To help you with the accuracy, it has a comfortable cork handle.
  • The reel that comes in this package is made of cast premium aluminum alloy. Furthermore, the smooth click drag makes it easier for a newbie to handle the entire setup.

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Features We LovedPiscifun combo 01

  • Comes with fly box and dozens of flies.
  • Slow action rod.
  • Durable and flexible items
  • Mid arbor aluminum reel.
  • Comfortable grip

We Didn't Like

  • The manufacturer could have provided more durable backings. The pre-loaded backings are not so sturdy. Purchasing separate backing would be a great idea.

The backing has a lot to do with your entire fly fishing experience. If you have the budget to buy a separate backing, then Piscifun New Fly Fishing Rod Reel combo will be a suitable choice for you.

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Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod Combo-Easiest Assembly

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ir?t=maverick81108 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00IS2XK18The last combo in our “Best Fly Fishing Combo Under 300” article is the Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod Outfit. This combo provides a robust rod that can be used in big rivers. This rod is actually designed for trout angler. It is very lightweight so you won’t have any kind of fatigue in your hand.

Let’s have a look at the other things this combo offers:

Salient Features

  • Unlike other combos, the rod comes dissembled in six pieces. It is a medium action rod which means beginners will be able to handle it better.
  • The rod comes with alignment dots, which will help you to align the rod faster.
  • A plastic reel comes with this combo equipped with backings. The rod has a high-quality cork handle grip which makes it comfortable for the users to hold it.
  • Furthermore, it offers a carry bag which makes transporting very easy and comfortable.
  • This rod will also bend halfway downwards which make it a professional fly fishing rod.

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Features We Loved

  • Quick and easy assembling.
  • Medium action rod that can bend halfway downwards
  • high-quality cork handle grip
  • Portable carry bag.

We Didn't Like

  • The manufacturer should have given an aluminum alloy reel instead of the plastic reel which is less durable.

If you are okay with the plastic reel, then you should definitely give Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod Outfit a try!

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How to Buy the Best Fly Fishing Combo?

There are several factors that you need to pay attention to while buying a fly fishing combo. In fly fishing combos, the rod and reel are what you should pay your maximum attention. And in some cases, the line also matters. So below, we are covering up all the factors that would help you to choose the best fly fishing combo.

Fly Rod

The fly rod is one of the most important aspects of a fly fishing combo. As there are hundreds of fly rods on the market, you can often get confused on what to buy. Here we have broken down everything about fly rods to clear your confusion:


There are basically three types of fly fishing rod: Fast, medium and slow action rods. Each of the types come with their own set of benefits and drawbacks. For beginners, slow action or medium action fly rods would be ideal as they are easy to handle and cast. And the fast action is for experienced fishers.


Generally, fly rods come in about 6ft to 10ft size. Short rods are good for short casts and long rods are suitable for longer casts. We recommend choosing a rod between 8ft to 9ft. This would be a good length for beginners.

Construction Material

Mainly, fly fishing rods are made with these three materials: fiberglass, graphite, and bamboo.

Fiberglass: These types of fly rods are great for people who just entered the fly fishing arena. These rods are very popular, comparatively inexpensive and very durable,

Bamboo: Bamboo fly rods are for experienced people. These rods are heavy but that’s obvious, as they are made of bamboo. On the other hand, bamboo rods are traditional, durable and also comes at an affordable price.

Graphite: Graphite rods are new to the market and they are already dominating. These rods have gained high popularity in a very short time. Graphite rods are lightweight and provide accurate cast. They are a little bit expensive but the best on the market.


Another important job is to choose the right reel. It is easy for those who understand the reel types. Fly fishing reels come is different variations, listed below:

  • Spin cast Reels.
  • Bait caster reels.
  • Fly Reels.
  • Spinning Reels etc.

Choosing the right reel will depend on what type of fish you want to hunt. If you are a newbie, then I’ll suggest you to go for an easy fish species and then choose the reel.


Final Words

So, this is our carefully designed list of the best fly fishing combo under 300. We hope you can find a suitable combo within this list. During the testing process we had to deal with a lot of criteria, so if you find anything confusing, please let us know in the comment section below.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are fly rods made of?

Answer: Fly rods are mainly made of graphite, bamboo, and fiberglass. The graphite fly rods are very popular among them.

Q. What length of the fishing rod should I use?

Answer: That actually depends on what type of fish species your planning to target. Rod length ranges from 4 to 12 feet. However, 6 to 9 feet rods are ideal for most people.

Q. What are the different types of fishing rods?

Answer: There are actually lots of fishing rods such as fly rods, casting rods, pen rods, spin rods, ice fishing rods, telescopic rod, trolling rod and many more.

Q. What is the benefit of buying a fly fishing combo?

Answer: A combo is mainly for beginners. Experienced people have their own customized equipment. As fly fishing requires a lot of accessories, sometimes it becomes hard for newbies to remember all these and that’s exactly where combos strike. They come with all the required accessories.

Q. Slow or fast action, which one should I choose?

Answer: If you are experienced, then you will be very comfortable with the fast action rods. On the other hand, slow action rods are for the newbies.

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